
Going Digital

Advantages Of Going Digital


Utilizing digital dental technologies decreases the time from prep to final seat. Chairside scanning makes the lab process start almost immediately upon the completion of the preparation appointment. This completely eliminates transit time to our lab. Because the restoration is starting immediately that means it is able to be finished for a faster return. Completely digital cases only need three days in-lab for fabrication. When a case returns to your office and seated, the billing process can be completed for a faster return and improved cash flow.

If you are still using traditional impressions, we can still save you time. We offer a service to digitize your case here in-lab. You will not benefit from the initial transit time savings of getting the case started in-lab, but by digitizing your case we can still speed up the process to get your restoration back faster.

A digital restoration shortens the final seating appointment. Less time in the chair means the patient is happier and you can move on to other areas of your practice.


Getting a digital file from your office eliminates the need for model work. Not having to produce a model and ship a physical impression eliminates the need for that expense. That savings gets passed on to your practice.

Intraoral scanning practices don’t have the cost of impression material. The trade-off is the cost of the intra-oral scanner, but the ROI advantages make this a worthwhile investment. 

A digital restoration shortens the final seating appointment. Time is money, so now you can use that time to make your practice profitable in other areas.

Seating the restoration sooner also means you can bill the insurance sooner.


Our staff is passionate about fabricating precision restorations. We work with your office to dial in your contacts, occlusion, gap space, etc. Dialing in these parameters allows us to consistently deliver predictable and reliable restorations. We have seen this work time and time again with our partnered dental practices. 

The shorter amount of time a patient is in a temporary the better a final restoration will fit. This is true no matter the type or manufacturing process of a restoration. Utilizing digital technologies helps us shorten that time and deliver a product that can be seated sooner.